Leaving a Professional Phone Message
Using the phone to build relationship and give people the sound of our voices can happen even on a phone message. Sometimes leaving a verbal phone message is preferable to reaching the actual person. For instance, voice mail:
* Avoids interrupting the person
* Conveys a message using voice, so tone comes through clearly
* Can be left after-hours and at the caller's convenience
* Is effective for conveying information that might be too complex when put in writing
When we intentionally reach voice mail by calling after hours, being prepared with the content of the message helps the message be clear and accurate. This helps the receiver get the content swiftly while listening to the message only one time.
What happens, though, when you want to talk to the real person but can't reach the person by phone? Then you're forced to leave messages. Irritating phone messages are those that are fumbling and hesitating, those where the caller doesn't plan ahead, speaks too quickly, sounds bored, and is rambling. The better way to handle this is to consider each call you make as one where you'll have to leave a message. This helps to prepare in the event you do need to leave a message and helps keep you from being caught off guard. Here are some pointers to help you prepare:
* Know before you call the reason for the call
* Start by saying your full name and company or department connection
* State the reason for the call
* State clearly what you want (a call back, a message left for you, to have them send you an email, etc.)
* Leave your phone number clearly and slowly
A simple strategy for leaving your phone number is to write it as you speak it. Consider those messages you've had to listen to three or four times just to get the phone number. I make a habit of pausing for a breath between each set of numbers. For instance, I say: "My number is ...775...544...84...79." I say the last four numbers in pairs. Grouping the numbers in pairs helps the person writing the number do it faster and more accurately. Another simple strategy is to give your number, in the same fashion, twice. First when you state your name; second when you ask them to call. This again helps prevent the person from having to re-listen to the message.
Establish Your Credibility in a Snippet
While on the topic of phone messages, another thing to consider is yours-the one you have on your voice mail right now. I become very irritated when I have to listen to lengthy, nearly minutes-long phone message just to leave my message. If their phone rolls to voice mail, it is obvious to me that they are "either away from [their] desks or on another call." Callers prefer to hear brief messages that identify you and what information you need in order to get back to them. For example, your phone message can be as simple as this: "Hi, This is Tracy Turner. Please leave your name and phone number, and I'll return your call within 24 hours." Anything longer than that (leaving website addresses, personal philosophies of life, bits of wisdom for the day, etc.) is irritating and time consuming.
By the way, it's always appropriate to give a time frame for returning the call. In my message, I say I return all calls within 24 hours. It's a matter of courtesy and respect to return phone calls-all that request and require it-and to return those calls in a timely manner. Never make callers wait more than 24 hours for your call back.
Use Voice Mail to Get What You Need
When I leave messages, whether I initiate the call or am responding to someone else's, I always leave a time when I can be reached. We waste too much time playing telephone tag with others that to solve this problem, I leave a window of time when I know I'll be by my phone ("I'm in the office today from 11:30 a.m. till 2 p.m. You can reach me then.). If I have to leave a message, I ask those I call to leave me a message telling me a good time to reach them. That helps eliminate playing telephone tag and its accompanying frustration. Leaving a time frame is especially important if the matter needs attention right away.
Most people give up calling after 3 or 4 unsuccessful attempts to reach a person. If the topic of the conversation needs to be dealt with in a timely manner, we don't want to run the risk of the caller giving up.
Start Leaving Impressions Today
Protecting and projecting your credibility and professionalism with every opportunity you have to communicate helps present you in the best possible light. Paying attention to something as simple as your phone message strategies can be a vehicle for projecting the professional image you want your coworkers, clients, and supervisors to see.
Dr. Tracy Peterson Turner is an expert in both written and verbal communication. She knows - and clearly communicates - the traps most professionals fall in to when attempting to communicate with those in their work environments. She provides her clients with clear, specific, and proven strategies to avoid those traps while projecting a credible and professional image. Dr. Turner has owned and successfully operated her business, Managerial Impact, in order to bring her expertise to those corporations who want their managers to communicate more effectively and to individuals who want to get their messages heard. She is the author of 5 Critical Communication Vehicles, an informative and readable book that helps managers communicate more effectively every day.
Minggu, 07 November 2010
Diposting oleh irnha adjah di 17.33 0 komentar
Jumat, 05 November 2010
A message in its most general meaning is an object of communication. It is a vessel which provides information. Yet, it can also be this information. Therefore, its meaning is dependent upon the context in which it is used; the term may apply to both the information and its form. A communiqué is a brief report or statement released by a public agency.
In communications science
More precisely, in communications science, a message is information which is sent from a source to a receiver. Some common definitions include:
* Any thought or idea expressed in a language, prepared in a form suitable for transmission by any means of communication.
* An arbitrary amount of information whose beginning and end are defined or implied.
In communication between humans, messages can be verbal or nonverbal:
* A verbal message is an exchange of information using words. Examples include face-to-face communication, telephone calls, voicemails, etc.
* A nonverbal message is communicated through actions or behaviors rather than words. Examples include the use of body language and the actions made by an individual idea.
In computer science
There are two main senses of the word "message" in computer science: messages passed within software, which may or may not be human-readable, and human-readable messages delivered via computer software for person-to-person communication.
* Message passing is a form of communication used in concurrent and parallel computing, object-oriented programming, and interprocess communication, where communication is made by sending messages to recipients. In a related use of this sense of a message, in object-oriented programming languages such as Smalltalk or Java, a message is sent to an object, specifying a request for action.
* Instant messaging and e-mail are examples of computer software designed for delivering human-readable messages in formatted or unformatted text, from one person to another.
Diposting oleh irnha adjah di 19.02 0 komentar
Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010
Telephone Message
* Why Telephone Message created?
I created this because my colleague kept forgetting to tell people of missed calls. So this little add-on allows him to fill in every detail, reminding him of what he needs to ask ie whos calling, return telephone number etc and then emails it straight to that person.
Leaving a Message
Sometimes, there may not be anyone to answer the telephone and you will need to leave a message. Follow this outline to make sure that the person who should receive your message has all the information he/she needs.
1. Introduction - - - - Hello, this is Ken. OR Hello, My name is Ken Beare (more formal).
2. State the time of day and your reason for calling - - - - - It's ten in the morning. I'm phoning (calling, ringing) to find out if ... / to see if ... / to let you know that ... / to tell you that ...
3. Make a request - - - - Could you call (ring, telephone) me back? / Would you mind ... ? /
4. Leave your telephone number - - - - My number is .... / You can reach me at .... / Call me at ...
5. Finish - - - - Thanks a lot, bye. / I'll talk to you later, bye.
More Telephone English:
* Telephone English: Dialogue and Appropriate Vocabulary
* How to Telephone: Tips and Tricks to Make Sure a Native English Speaker Slows Down!
* Practical Exercises: Exercises to Improve Your Telephoning Skills
* Role Plays: Role Play Dialogue Cues to Practice Telephoning with Friends
* Teaching Telephone English: Lesson Plan
Diposting oleh irnha adjah di 04.25 0 komentar
Kamis, 27 Mei 2010
Multimedia Programs I chose because I am interested in a multimedia lesson. such as Adobe Illustrator Photoshop.Adobe, etc.. I therefore chose this multimedia, and after I entered the multimedia department, I want menekuti palajaran this multimedia. I too also want to edit photos bias, bias would also like to make movies. and I also want to be a director. after a half of this semester, I have one problem with this multimedia lesson. the dark days of doing my company profile. but I prefer to learn everything again, finally I was biased. after I graduated from this school. I want to continue studying with majored in film, because I am interested in the film industry.
For me the internet is very important in aktivita a day - day. because, when we again multiple tasks. we can find the task - the task in a cybercafe. I need the internet when I have many duties, but also do not have to have a lot of tasks we need a direct internet. My first goal is to open the internet you need a facebook, advised young people today. said the hell do not want to open facebook. My advantage is I can open the internet adds a lot of science. or broad. I think the impact is not good for the students that while in the cafe. he did not seek tuga or she did not open the task, instead he opened a site - a site that is not feasible in view. his example he opened a porn site. students who should be in the computer lab space. paerlu should not use that computer, its best to leave the lab room.
I totally agree with this english. but why my english lessons at this very difficult to make in understanding, even though I wish I could this english. but english is very important for us, because at the moment we've left school, we can find a job quickly or easily search pekerjan. and also could lead to success. interesting in the English language that is, when the drama of the English language, I love the drama, let alone to use English. igin and I also speak English.
Diposting oleh irnha adjah di 01.30 0 komentar
Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010
Did you think the internet is an important tool to support your daily activities?
b. How much time you need to access internet?
c. What's the first site when you open your favorite internet?
d. What are the benefits of using the Internet?
e. Do you think that the Internet if using too much can cause a negative effect on students? What's your solution about this situation?
f. One of our problems between vocational high schools is limited computer facilities and internet connection. So, most students lack the knowledge to use computers and can not access the internet freely.
What is your opinion about this case? As a student who has good computer knowledge, what is the solution you are dealing with this condition?
Why did you choose majors Multimedia?
b. What do you expect after admission Multimedia department?
c. After one semester and a half, if you have trouble learning in the department of Multimedia?
d. What's the most exciting things in the department of Multimedia?
e. What are your plans after graduating from school?
Do you agree that English is the key of success?
b. Do you think that English is very important to learn?
c. What's the hardest thing when you study English?
d. What's the most interesting thing when you learn English?
e. Why do most students are afraid to make mistakes when they learn English?
f. What do your efforts to improve your English skills?
Diposting oleh irnha adjah di 20.10 0 komentar
Gerunds and Infinitives
Gerunds and infinitives are forms of verbs that act like nouns. They can follow adjectives and other verbs. Gerunds can also follow prepositions.
A gerund (often known as an -ing word) is a noun formed from a verb by adding -ing. See also Nouns/Gerund. Not all words formed with -ing are gerunds.
An infinitive is to + the verb.When a verb follows a verb it either takes the gerund or infinitive form. Some verbs can take either the gerund or the infinitive with no loss of meaning.
For example:
With the verb start - "It started to rain." or "It started raining." Both sentences have the same meaning.
Sometimes the use of the gerund or infinitive changes the meaning of the sentence.
For example:
With the verb remember - "I remembered to do my homework". or "I remembered doing my homework."
In the first sentence (I remembered to do my homework), the person speaking remembered they had some homework first and then carried out the action and did it. In the second sentence (I remembered doing my homework.), the person speaking carried out the action (their homework) first and then remembered doing it.
Other verbs only take one or the other, unfortunately there is no rule as to which form the verb takes. The same is true when the verb follows an adjective.
The best way to learn their correct use is with practice - these lists may help:
List of verbs which are normally followed by the gerund - with some examples.
List of verbs which are normally followed by the infinitive - with some examples.
List of verbs which can be followed by the gerund or infinitive - with some examples.
Gerunds after Prepositions
When a verb is used after a preposition the verb takes the -ing form.
For example:You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.
Diposting oleh irnha adjah di 20.09 0 komentar
1. Download the first image (my idol actress Liv Tyler) below
Steps - Steps:
download image
Or if you want images that others can find your idol artist foto2 on Google by entering a keyword artist name your idol ...
Go To Google Services ...
2. Open the image with a program dowload photoshop, after that we change the image into black and white mode ...
How: Menu Utama select Image - Adjustment - Desarture
The result:
3. After that we give effect Film Grain
How: Main Menu select Filter - Filter Gallery - Film Grain
And the result:
Picture becomes slightly rough texture
4. Now it was just the final touch that makes it seem ANCIENT
How: Main Menu select the Image - Adjustment - Hue / Saturation
And .............
From the results obtained here will Tutorials
The result:
Why Ancient Images Niih ^ _ ^ can enter the Museum ...
- Johan - ilmugrafis -
Thanks to ALL visitors - Believe your Skill Friends
Hopefully useful
Diposting oleh irnha adjah di 19.56 0 komentar
to get your plurk account, simply go to this link:
it looks like this;
fill it with witty (read: easy)
Nickname = name of the alias / nickname please use your imagination. will be the address your plurk you can share with your friends (rice kale!) for example: http://www.plurk.com/username_anda so!
ok, ready! more ... you can fill in the white column with a status update. You can also give comments on the status / your friends timeline. just please use! image gray box with a scowling face would recommend that you replace with your photo ... may make it look more exciting ..
Next, you can connect between plurk with three (for three new temporary only) social bookmarking website such as Facebook, Friendster, and Twitter. Click the Alerts link to the menu on the left top-three and then the menu appears like the picture above. To connect your plurk account with a facebook account, click the "Set Facebook status updates" not so much with myspace and twitter.
In the previous image after clicking a link Alert, go to the next page. Appears next page like the picture above .. function? if you have a messenger account (if I) his gmail with gtalk or yahoo by yahoo messengernya, you will once again have the ease to update the status of plurk using messenger applications.
Last one more step, verify your email on this plurk account to check email mailbox you submitted on Plurk account. Simply clicking the link on incoming email from Plurk.
Diposting oleh irnha adjah di 19.52 0 komentar
1.open http://www.twitter.com
2. click sign up
3. self data content required
4. click Create my account
5. finish ..
congratulations you've behasil create a twitter account ..
Diposting oleh irnha adjah di 19.48 0 komentar
If you already have a login in Google, you stay logged in, you'll go to Control Panel or Control Panel.
Oh yes, you can select the language, whether Indonesian or English.
For this time I think you do not already have a Google login.
Click the big arrow that says CREATE YOUR BLOG.
So far, very easy and will continue to ease.
Please visit http://www.blogger.com. You'll get a page as shown below.
First Page
Step 2: List of Blogs
Complete Your Registration
After you click the arrow that reads big CREATE YOUR BLOG, it will emerge as the existing form in the image below.
This process will create a Google account that you can use on other Google services. If you already have a Google account mungkn from Gmail, Google Groups, or Orkut.
A Google account can be used to access all the facilities provided by Google.
If you already have a google accout, you can simply log in (go). To login to Google, you must log in using your email address.
Please complete.
1. The email address you enter must already exist before. You'll be sent a confirmation to the email. If you use a fake email or email that the new plan will be created, then the registration may fail. You do not need to use email gmail.com. Any email can not.
2. Complete the other data.
3. Check "I accept the Terms and Services" as evidence that you agree. BTW you've read?
Once complete, click the arrow that says continue.
Registration Form 1
Registration Form 2
Step 3: Create a Blog
Choosing a Blog Name and Blog URL
If you are successful, you will be taken to a page as shown below. If it fails? Usually fail because you're wrong word verification. That is reasonable because the word verification is often difficult to read. The patient only, repeat until correct. I own up to repeat 3X.
Once you successfully register, you'll be taken to a page like in the picture below. Now you begin to create a blog by filling in your name and address of your blog.
For example, I named the blog with the name Zahidah Hasna. Shhh, do not be suspicious, Hasna was my daughter. I chose the blog address with the address http://hasna-zahidah.blogspot.com
as alaternatif, can also http://hasnazahidah.blogspot.com.
If you make a lens to promote your product or affiliate products, so in choosing a name, should contain the name of the product or service that you offer. For example, if you want to sell my ebook, you can choose key words such as motivation, success, positive thinking, and other key words as appropriate.
You can also research keywords that are most sought after people (of course must be related to the product you sell) on
https: / / adwords.google.com / select / KeywordToolExternal
You can check availability for your chosen blog address. If available you can proceed. If not available, then you have to be creative to find a different name or modify an existing address, for example added abc, xzy, 101, and can also insert yourname.
Continue to click the arrow labeled CONTINUE.
Blog Making Process
Step 4 Blog Templates
Choose a design according to your taste.
Successful? Course successfully, it is easy koq. If successful, you will be redirected to a page like in the picture below.
Select a theme according to your taste. If nothing is within their tastes, do not worry, I'll still many options that you can install the theme itself. Now just choose a theme for the blog creation process can be completed. You can preview themes with a click of the drawing.
Choosing a theme for your click (mark) o bulatannya as shown below. See what I pointed with my artificial red arrows.
After that you click the arrow that reads CONTINUE
Selecting Themes
Learning to Make Blog Done
Now we just posting, settings, and layout
Congratulations, now you already have a blog. Now you can already post your thoughts on the blog and shared by all the world (uh Indonesia).
Indeed there are still some things you should do, namely setting, layout, adding the element, and the replacement of the theme if you want another theme. This is for advanced.
Diposting oleh irnha adjah di 19.42 0 komentar
1.first you do is to visit the address: www.facebook.com or http://facebook.com, and make sure the page that appears is as shown below.
drawing on the facebook page already in the Indonesian language, if you open facebook is still in English, Change first in Indonesian. how to look at the bottom left of the page. is there writing Indonesian. Click on the Indonesian, then after a moment the page will turn into Indonesian as an example the picture above.
2. if it appears like the picture on page one at the top, fill out the registration fields that are already available, please enter your full name, your email address (if not already have an email address please read the guide on how to create an email, click here to email in GMAIL, and if experiencing difficulty in making an email in GMAIL click here to create an email in YAHOO), enter the password (key words would you use later to log into facebook accoun (for safety's sake make a unique password but not easily guessed by others), for memiliih gender, date of birth month, you just click the small triangle sign on the right hand column, will appear later on choice. if it is filled with pseudo-click on the Sign Up button is green. (make sure the data is filled in correctly, thoroughly before click sign up )
3. after you click Sign Up to you will be taken to the next page, you are prompted to enter the letters that appear above it.
4. as in the example image below. insert in accordance with the example, uppercase letters or lowercase letters should be the same, enter the column Text in the box.jika you have trouble reading the code word shown it, you can replace it with another code. try by clicking another word or Try Different words. if it has been filled click Sign up or Sign Up. oh yes, sometimes separated by a space if the code is considered wrong, you could try writing without a space, or two words are written glued
5. after you register or sign-ups click on the next window sepertti picture below. if you see pictures like below, you have successfully registered on facebook. so that the registration process easier on facebook, just skip this step one, by clicking on the button [skip this step]
6. in a second step, the profile information page will appear simple. such as picture below. insert name of your school, universitasmu, and the place where you work. the picture below I also have examples of the contents of the filling. but if you did not want to complete what was not right. if it has been filled in click on the button [save and continue], but if you do not want to be filled click the [Skip]
7th. on the third step, there are pages for photographs uplod. please uplod Upload photos by click. but in this article guides how to upload the photos are not described in detail. to read more detail about how to upload photos you can read articles on how to upload photos please read the alloy facebook.com how to upload images click here. so at this third step you just click the save button and next
8. after the third pass through this step, you will be asked to confirm in your email account. then you should check your email inbox which you use to register earlier.
9. Please check your email inbox, on your email inbox you will receive two emails from facebook. The first form of speech, and the second contains a confirmation email. open the confirmation email.
10. Fill in the email confirmation from facebook like image below. Click on the confirmation link on facebook. immediately after you click that link, you will be brought on facebook pages that have been active.
Diposting oleh irnha adjah di 19.29 0 komentar
Jumat, 14 Mei 2010
How to create an email on Gmail.com
1.Open your browser and go to a website that is http://www.gmail.com Gmail.com. Start page will appear as the Gmail website shown in the picture below.
2.Untuk start a new email, SobatKP simply click the option to 'Sign up for Gmail' and will open the page "Create a Google Account - Gmail '. You can select Options Languages On the right the "Change Language". Whenever Here's use English, you can also choose Indonesian.
3.Isi stuffing box 'First name', 'Last name' and 'desired Login Name' to this email address, you can check the availability of addresses (check availability!) That you want, whether e-mail address of your choice already exists who use or have not (eg, whenever's use sobatkp to an email address that have not used). Then enter the password and confirm password, (for security or select a passkey to the strong green color to the brim). Enter your Security Question Furthermore, the Secondary email, Location (select Indonesia, this option is usually selected by default ', Enter the characters shown on the screen in Word verification column. Next Therms of service if you want to read it please, but if you do not understand? Roll Just the box to bottom. after you are sure you enter the correct data, please click the button I accept Create my account.
4.if no errors, will appear a new page 'introduction to Gmail'. click I'm ready - show him my account to the upper right of the screen.
5.next, will open a new page again. This page E-mail your actual Gmail. Usually there will be a notification email from the 'Gmail Team' that your mail account has been active as well as notification of the service they provide to your.
Congratulations, you have to have their own free email address.
Diposting oleh irnha adjah di 00.24 0 komentar
1. This of course is the first step opens the browser you used it (can IE or Internet Explorer, Mozilla Fire fox, or even opera, it's up to you) ... then enter the URL address, www.mail.yahoo.com,
a moment later the yahoo mail page will appear, make sure the pages like the image below
2. Notice on the right page, if later on you have registered and want to open the email, then enter the yahoo id and paswod you, then click Sign In. But because you have not registered yet, and yet possessed yahoo Id and password of course, then you just click the Sign Up menu located at the bottom sign in the menu sometimes also at the top, just search for it with the words Sign Up or Register.
3. shortly after you've click Sign Up, will appear on the registration form page with yahoo email as shown below.
then you just enter the data yourself susuai identity column has been provided. below me give an example of how the filling
a. for charging the column 'email alternat' emptied just fine, or if you want to be filled with email addresses of friends who could be trusted. Because this alternative email may work if you later forget your password, the password you will be emailed to you enter your last alternative. For the choice questions, choose to live alone (already provided, so no need to make the question) and answer their own input, together with that part fungsinyajuga verification email. Ie, if you forgot to paswod, then the question that you select line will appear, and you enter that you are liable for this.
b. Enter the code capta in the field provided, enter the code that is yahoo asking as it is to maintain the security of yahoo server from spam engines. because the spam engine can not read the code capta, but only human. capta if the code hard to read, click the icon klah two curved arrows to the left of the code capta. capta code then later will turn into another bentukyang. if it is still difficult, click again to easily read.
4. If you've filled in all, click on the yellow button labeled [create my account]
if the field has a form you fill in correctly, then a moment later, a confirmation window will appear, as shown below. Click Continue button to continue the process
Diposting oleh irnha adjah di 00.15 0 komentar
Kamis, 13 Mei 2010
Adjective and adverb
Adjective (kata sifat) give information about noun the simple example:
She’s an excellent dancer.
I’ve got a new apartment.
Adverb (kata keteranganAdverb are used to describe how people do thongs or how things happen
- She learns quickly.
- You can speak English well.
Adjective (kata sifat)
Adjective bisa ditempatkan sebelum kata benda. Contoh:
“This is a beautiful bird.” (true)
“This is a bird beautiful.” (false)
Adjective give information like size (small, big) . shape (round, square), color (yellow, green), nationality (China, Poland), and the opinions (good, bad). Adjective tidak mengalami perubahan yang tergantung pada jumlah (tunggal atau jamak). Contoh:
She has a cute puppy.
She has three cute puppies.
Perhatikan bahwa adjective (cute) tidak mengalami perubahan baik dalam bentuk tunggal (puppy) maupun jamak (puppies).
Adjective juga bisa ditempatkan setelah kata kerja tertentu seperti be, feel, look, dan taste. Contoh:
I’m really happy today.
She’s got a new job so she feels great.
You look wonderful!
This chicken tastes delicious.
Adverb (kata keterangan)
Adverb: often formed by adding-ly in the back of the adjective. Example :
quick (adjective) - He’s quick at learning new things.
quickly (adverb) - He learns quickly.
bad (adjective) - He didn’t get a bad test score.
badly (adverb) - He didn’t do badly in his test.
There is a simple question for exercise :
He's a ___ driver.
a. dangerous
b. dangerously
the Answer (a)
He ate his dinner very ___.
a. quick
b. quickly
the Answer (b)
She's a ___ speller.
a. bad
b. badly
the answer (a)
___ the wind changed directions.
a. Sudden
b. Suddenly
The Answer (b)
Please try to be more ___.
a. careful
b. carefully
The Answer (a)
He walks so ___ in those boots.
a. heavy
b. heavily
The Answer (b)
For continue information you can visit this web:
Coordinating Conjunctions
Coordinating conjunctions are conjunctions used to connect words, phrases, or clauses (independent clause) which has a position equivalent or similar grammatical structure of sentences. There are seven conjunctions are used: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so (usually abbreviated to fanboys for easy recall).
Consider the example of the use of conjunctions Coordinating linking words with words, phrases with phrases, and clauses with clauses (the bold type is given a conjunction, whereas underlined the words, phrases, or clauses).
a. The word with the word (subject, predicate / verb, object)
You and I will come together.
- It can be black, white or grey.
- Most children like cookies and milk.
- Lilacs and violets are usually purple.
b. phrases with phrases
- The gold is hidden at the beach or by the lakeside.
- Daniel's uncle claimed that he spent most of his youth dancing on rooftops and swallowing goldfish.
- Manufacturers must be free to develop their ideas and to package their products.
- He reappeared a few minutes later looking embarrassed yet appearing otherwise unruffled.
c. Clause by clause
- I wanted to sit in the front of the balcony, so I ordered my tickets early.
- It’s an old car, but it’s very reliable.
- It was raining, so I took my umbrella.
- The sun is warm, yet the air is cool.
- I don’t care for the beach, but I enjoy a good vacation in the mountains.
The important thing to remember when using the Coordinating conjunctions:
1. We recommend using conjunctions in the middle of a sentence. Conjunctions is located at the beginning of the sentence is grammatically it is not recommended. Even so, to attract additional attention or confirm other information related to the previous sentence, sentence structure with conjunctions at the beginning of the sentence is now commonly used.
2. Use a comma. When using the clause to use a comma before conjunctions. However, if the clause is short, for example in the sentence She is kind so she helps people, then the comma can not be used. In the word / phrase, you should use a comma at the end of the word / phrase or before conjunctions that there are two or more words / phrases, such as the example above: It can be black, white or gray.
3. If you use independent clauses using clause. Each clause is connected with conjunctions should be able to stand alone as a sentence if the conjunction is removed.
Sentence in which the wearing Coordinating conjunctions also called compound sentences.
Diposting oleh irnha adjah di 23.39 0 komentar
Jumat, 08 Januari 2010
Nilai Pertama ku Ujian GE
30 Oktober 2009 Saya melaksanakan ujian bhs.inggris untuk general inggris , 2 minggu sebelumnya guru saya Bu Devina sudah mengingatkan kepada saya bahwa kita akan melaksanakan ulangan bahasa inggris . tapi karma ada halangan , sehingga ujian GE di tunda dan dapat dilaksanakan hari jum’at.
Pada hari-hari sebelumnya ujian GE di laksanakan.saya belajar sesuai debgan kemampuan saya .saya baru inget dan saya belajar pada hari kamis malam sekitar jam 11.00.Pada hari jum’at saya melksanakan ujian GE.saya mengerjakan semampu saya . berusaha sebaik-baik mungkin .dan ulangan pun selesai.
Pada hari senin tgl 2 Oktober 2009 ulangan GE di bagikan , dan saya menyesal .karna ulangan general inggris saya mendaapatkan nilai yang memelukan .saya bener-bener menyesal,kenapa saya mendapatkan nilai segitu .mungkin karna saya kurang belajar dan memperhatikan guru.
Di situ bu devina marah dan kesal kepada kami .karna kita semua mendapatkan nilai di bawah KKM.karna nilai di bawah KKM bias tidak naik kelas dan kita semua takut.juga menyesal telah mendapatkan nilai di bawah KKM.karna nilai kita di bawah KKM,Sehingga kita semua mendapatkan tugan dari Bu Devina.
My First Test Value GE
October 30, 2009 I am conducting tests for the general laguage english, 2 weeks before my teacher Mrs. Devina has reminded me that we will conduct English language test. but karma is inconvenient, so the test in delayed GE and can be carried out on Friday. In the days before the GE test in accordance execute.I learn debgan my abilities. I just inget and I learned on Thursday night about an hour Friday 11.00. day I GE.I exam execute way I can do. try the best to be. and tests were completed. On Monday October 2, 2009 date of GE in distributed test, and I'm sorry. becase general test my english need value get. I was really sorry, why do I get So much value. Maybe I becase less attention to learning and teachers. There devina not angry and upset with us . BECASE we all have values below KKM.bECASE KKM value below grade are not biased and we all regret also fear score below our value KKM.becaseunder KKM, so we all get from Mom Devina tugan.
Takut Ke Dokter Gigi
Suatu hari gigi ku terasa sakit , sakit banget .Saya pun langsung bertanya pada ibu , setelah saya bertanya pada ibu . Ibuku langsung membawa ku ke dokter gigi , tetapi aku takut sekali . Ibuku tetap memaksa ku untuk berobat ke dokter gigi . Akhirnya , aku mau dengan terpaksa .
Dokter akhirnya memeriksa gig ku . ia mengatakan bahwa gigiku lubang dan peril di tambal . saya pun takut sekali . hamper mau nangis juga . ketika dokter itu mengeluarkan alat – alat untuk menambal gigiku , aku menangis se kuat – kuatnya karena takut sakit . Dokter gigi itu kagrt dan tidak jadi menambal gigiku . Saya pun hanya di beri obat sakit gigi .
i'am afraid to the tooth doctor
One day my teeth hurt, really hurt. I was immediately asked the mother, after I asked the mother. My mother immediately took me to the dentist, but I'm scared. My mother insisted on me for seeing a dentist. Finally, I want to have. The doctor finally checked my gig. He said that my teeth and peril in the hole patched. I was so scared. almost want to cry, too. when the doctor took out a tool - a tool to patch up my teeth, I cried a strong - strong for fear of being sick. Kagrt dentist and not be patching my teeth. I was only given the drug in toothache.
Menabrak Pintu di Bandara
Liburan kenaikan kelas telah tiba . kami sekeluarga berangkat dari rumah pukul 16.00 WIB atau pukul empat sore . sesampai di bandara , aku berlari – lari lebih cepat untuk segera masuk di ruang tunggu bagaian kedatangan . Karena tergesah – gesah dan tanpa memperhatikan sekeliling , aku pun menabrak pintu kaca di ruang tunggu tersebut . Aku memang tidak memperhatikan karena mengira bahwa pintunya terbuka lebar . Memang , pintu kaca itu sangat bersih dan bening , sehingga seolah – olah tanpa pintu .
Seketika itu betapa malunya aku . Beberapa orang yang sempet melihat kejadian itu , tertawa dan ada yang senyum – senyum . Bahkan , Ayah , ibu , Dik novi dan cici pun tertawa terbahak – bahak secara bersama . Itulah pengalamanku yang paling mengesankan dan membuat aku malu .
Hit the door at the Airport
Vacation increase class has arrived. Our family left the house at 16.00 pm or four o'clock in the afternoon. Arriving at the airport, I ran - run faster to get in on the bagaian arrival lounge. Because tergesah - and regardless gesah around, I hit the glass door in the waiting room. I did not notice because they thought that the door was wide open. Indeed, the glass door was very clean and clear, so as - if not the door.Right then how embarrassed I was. Some people who sempet see it, laugh and have a smile - a smile. In fact, my father, mother, sister and cici novi even laughed - out loud together. That's the most impressive experience and makes me ashamed.
Liburan Ke jatim park 1 malang
suatu hari pada tanggal 1 januari 2010 , tepatnya pada tahun baru . Saya dan keluarga saya berlibur ke malang . Kami bingung , kita semua enak nya liburan kemana . Setelah itu adek saya yang bernama cici dan novi . Meminta pergi ke jatim park 1 . yaitu di malang . Sesampai kita semua sudah sampai ke jatim park 1 . di situ macet banget . Sampai parkir mobil ke jalan raya . Tapi tidak apa – apa . Yang penting adek – adek saya senang . Di dalam sana pastinya banyak permainan . Saya pun menaiki permainan yang namanya star chast seru banget . Taoi setelah menaiki permainan itu . Kepala saya terasa pusing sekali . Sampai aku sudak kapok naik star chast . Saya pun menaiki permainan lain . Banyak banget permainan yang aku naiki . Hari sudah semakin malam . Saatnya saya dan keluarga pulang ke rumah . Tapi jalan raya pada macet total . Sampai mobil tidak bisa bergrak sama sekali . 5 jam baru bisa jalan . Tapi saya tidak pernah lupa mampir ke bakpao telo . Bakpao itu enak sekali . Setelah sampailah di rumah pada pukl jam 23.00 .
The holiday park jatim 1 Malang
day on 1 January 2010, exactly in the new year. Me and my family on vacation to the poor. We're confused, we are all his nice holiday where. After that I adek named cici and novi. Asking to go to the park jatim 1. namely the poor. Arriving we all had come to the park jatim 1. really bad there. Until the car park to the highway. But never mind - anything. Important brothers me happy. In there certainly a lot of games. I even called up the game really exciting star chast. Taoi after the game was up. My head was spinning. Until I learned my lesson Sudak chast star rises. I also mounted another game. Loads of games that I climb. It was the night. Time for me and my family back home. But the road to a total standstill. Until the car can not completely . New 5-hour walk. But I never forget to stop at the telo dumplings. Dumplings were delicious. Having arrived at the house at 23:00 hours pukl.
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