Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

Adjective and adverb
Adjective (kata sifat) give information about noun the simple example:
She’s an excellent dancer.
I’ve got a new apartment.
Adverb (kata keteranganAdverb are used to describe how people do thongs or how things happen
- She learns quickly.
- You can speak English well.
Adjective (kata sifat)
Adjective bisa ditempatkan sebelum kata benda. Contoh:
“This is a beautiful bird.” (true)
“This is a bird beautiful.” (false)
Adjective give information like size (small, big) . shape (round, square), color (yellow, green), nationality (China, Poland), and the opinions (good, bad). Adjective tidak mengalami perubahan yang tergantung pada jumlah (tunggal atau jamak). Contoh:
She has a cute puppy.
She has three cute puppies.
Perhatikan bahwa adjective (cute) tidak mengalami perubahan baik dalam bentuk tunggal (puppy) maupun jamak (puppies).
Adjective juga bisa ditempatkan setelah kata kerja tertentu seperti be, feel, look, dan taste. Contoh:
I’m really happy today.
She’s got a new job so she feels great.
You look wonderful!
This chicken tastes delicious.
Adverb (kata keterangan)
Adverb: often formed by adding-ly in the back of the adjective. Example :
quick (adjective) - He’s quick at learning new things.
quickly (adverb) - He learns quickly.
bad (adjective) - He didn’t get a bad test score.
badly (adverb) - He didn’t do badly in his test.
There is a simple question for exercise :

 He's a ___ driver.
a. dangerous
b. dangerously
the Answer (a)

 He ate his dinner very ___.
a. quick
b. quickly
the Answer (b)
 She's a ___ speller.
a. bad
b. badly
the answer (a)
 ___ the wind changed directions.
a. Sudden
b. Suddenly
The Answer (b)
 Please try to be more ___.
a. careful
b. carefully
The Answer (a)
 He walks so ___ in those boots.
a. heavy
b. heavily
The Answer (b)

For continue information you can visit this web:

Coordinating Conjunctions
Coordinating conjunctions are conjunctions used to connect words, phrases, or clauses (independent clause) which has a position equivalent or similar grammatical structure of sentences. There are seven conjunctions are used: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so (usually abbreviated to fanboys for easy recall).

Consider the example of the use of conjunctions Coordinating linking words with words, phrases with phrases, and clauses with clauses (the bold type is given a conjunction, whereas underlined the words, phrases, or clauses).
a. The word with the word (subject, predicate / verb, object)
You and I will come together.
- It can be black, white or grey.
- Most children like cookies and milk.
- Lilacs and violets are usually purple.

b. phrases with phrases
- The gold is hidden at the beach or by the lakeside.
- Daniel's uncle claimed that he spent most of his youth dancing on rooftops and swallowing goldfish.
- Manufacturers must be free to develop their ideas and to package their products.
- He reappeared a few minutes later looking embarrassed yet appearing otherwise unruffled.

c. Clause by clause
- I wanted to sit in the front of the balcony, so I ordered my tickets early.
- It’s an old car, but it’s very reliable.
- It was raining, so I took my umbrella.
- The sun is warm, yet the air is cool.
- I don’t care for the beach, but I enjoy a good vacation in the mountains.

The important thing to remember when using the Coordinating conjunctions:

1. We recommend using conjunctions in the middle of a sentence. Conjunctions is located at the beginning of the sentence is grammatically it is not recommended. Even so, to attract additional attention or confirm other information related to the previous sentence, sentence structure with conjunctions at the beginning of the sentence is now commonly used.

2. Use a comma. When using the clause to use a comma before conjunctions. However, if the clause is short, for example in the sentence She is kind so she helps people, then the comma can not be used. In the word / phrase, you should use a comma at the end of the word / phrase or before conjunctions that there are two or more words / phrases, such as the example above: It can be black, white or gray.

3. If you use independent clauses using clause. Each clause is connected with conjunctions should be able to stand alone as a sentence if the conjunction is removed.

Sentence in which the wearing Coordinating conjunctions also called compound sentences.

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